Update to Pandemic Protocols: Posted February 22nd, 2023 

Update to Pandemic Protocols: Posted Thursday, March 24, 2022

Notice of additional staff case: Posted Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 1:25 p.m.

Notice of Outbreak (additional cases): Posted Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Notice of Outbreak: Posted Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 2:10 p.m.
Notice of Outbreak: Posted Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.

COVID-19 Protocols for Stedman Community Hospice
In light of the increasing number of confirmed cases around the world, including Canada, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has called for enhanced protective actions at healthcare organizations. 

In accordance with the recommendation from the Ontario Ministry of Health, St. Joseph’s Lifecare Centre Brantford (SJLCB) is implementing protocols aimed at ensuring the safety of patients, visitors, employees and physicians.

Stedman Community Hospice has no known cases of COVID-19 among its patients or staff. 

Only essential visitors will be permitted entry to Stedman Community Hospice. 
Essential visitors: families are asked to designate four individuals as essential visitors.  For the safety of our patients and staff, the following restrictions will apply to all essential visitors: 


Indoor Visits

Indoor visitors will be asked to observe the following requirements and guidelines:Hand hygiene protocols must be followed. 

  1. A clean mask provided by the hospice must be worn at all times during the visit. The mask must cover from the bridge of the nose to underneath the chin.
  2. Personal protective equipment (PPE), including mask, gown and gloves must be worn for the entirety of the visit during the 14-day isolation period following admission.  The ability to visit will be dependant on availability of PPE. 
  3. Physical distancing of a minimum of 2 metres must be maintained by visitors from the staff. 
  4. Families are asked to select up to 4 people who will register as designated indoor visitors. A maximum of two visitors at a time are permitted into the patient's room. Designated visitors are not interchangeable. 
  5. Designated visitors can enter the building at any time and are required to sign in and out at the screening desk on each entry and exit.
  6. Common areas within the hospice are not open for use by any visitor. 
  7. Upon entering the building, visitors must pass screening requirements. If a visitor does not pass screening requirements, entry will be denied and they will be asked to contact public health.
  8. Food and drinks are not permitted entry into the hospice by families for the purpose of sharing with patients. Commercially prepared food can be delivered to the hospice where it will be received by our screeners and required protocols to be followed.
  9. Visitors are expected to go directly to the patient's room, and remain in that room until the end of their visit. A single assigned washroom will be available for visitor use
  10. An indoor visit is a distinct type of visit and must be completed using the exit procedure prior to engaging in another form of visit.
  11. Children of all ages may be permitted entry, however, arrangements must be made with the nursing staff in advance of a visit. 
Outdoor Patio Visits

The following outdoor "safe visit” requirements are in place and apply to all visitors:

  1. Hand hygiene protocols must be followed. 
  2. A clean mask provided by the Hospice must be worn at all times during the visit.  
  3. A maximum of 4 people will be permitted to visit within the patio area at a time. Additional visitors may rotate in.
  4. All visitors are required to sign in at the screening desk prior to proceeding to the patio. Visitors must pass screening requirements. If a visitor does not pass screening requirements, the outdoor visit will be denied and visitors will be asked to contact public health.
  5. All visits will be 30 minutes or less and are to be scheduled in advance.  An increase or decrease in visit time will be at the discretion of the registered nurse. 
  6. Visitors are expected to go directly to the assigned patio and remain in that area until the end of their visit. Common areas within the hospice are not open for use by any visitor. 
  7. Food and drinks are not permitted during the visit. 
  8. An outdoor visit is a distinct type of visit and visitors must complete this visit type before engaging in an indoor visit, at which time adherence to indoor visit protocols will be required.
Window Visits

Window visits are available at any time and are not required to be scheduled in advance.  We do encourage those participating in a window visit to observe required physical distancing while travelling on pathways and throughout the garden areas.  Please also note that caution should be taken when stepping off sidewalk into garden area due to uneven terrain.  

All visitors are expected to become familiar with the above requirements and the educational material available at the screening desk.  We kindly ask for your patience during this challenging time and please note that this document may be subject to change based on the direction of the Ministry of Health and/or organization-specific circumstances. 

Virtual Visits

Stedman Community Hospice encourages all family members to keep in touch with loved ones by phone or other technologies, as available. IPads are available for use by patient to virtually communicate with off-site loved ones.  

Stedman Community Hospice will continue to follow guidance on enhanced public health measures. As our response to COVID-19 continues to evolve and we will continue to inform you of any changes.

Active Screening Protocols for Stedman Community Hospice 

  • All essential visitors, employees and physicians must enter Stedman Community Hospice site through the main entrance. 
  • A staff member will be at the main entrance to ensure all essential visitors, staff and physicians clean their hands with alcohol-based hand rub before entering into the building. Visitors will also be asked about their current health status (eg. fever, cough)

Taking precautions

In alignment with recommendations from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Public Health agencies, SJLCB and Stedman Community Hospice staff are observing the following precautions: 

  • Staying home if feeling unwell or have new/worsening cough or shortness of breath and/or fever. 
  • Following good infection control practices, such as washing hands and not touching your face, coughing/sneezing into elbow or a tissue and disposing of the tissue immediately. 
  • Wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when working or visiting with someone that is sick and under droplet/contact precautions. 

Additional Questions and Further Communication 

Please call 519-751-7096, ext 2500 for more information.